SPOTLIGHT: Don’t Bet on It!
Written by David E. Smith
Increased coverage of the push to legalize high potency marijuana in Illinois has allowed another legislative movement – one that would expand access to an equally addictive behavior – to stealthily gain momentum. It’s time for Spotlight to cut through the shadows and reveal the dangers of Illinois lawmakers’ intentions to legalize internet and sports gambling in our state.
Anita Bedell, Executive Director of ILCAAAP, Illinois Church Action on Alcohol & Addiction Problems, joins Monte Larrick to discuss the devastating effects gambling expansion will bring to the Land of Lincoln. If you think more gambling revenue will help to solve Illinois’ financial woes, or you believe you, your family, or your community will remain untouched by the negative consequences of 24/7 access to internet gambling, Miss Bedell provides valuable information you need to know.
Take ACTION: Please let your state representative know that you oppose any legislation to expand gambling, especially internet and sports gambling. Respectfully request they reject casino expansion and do not legalize internet and sports gambling in Illinois. The Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000.
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