SPOTLIGHT: A Marijuana State of Mind

Written by Benjamin Smith

Jo McGuire once again joins Monte Larrick and David Smith for a conversation on the extensive topic of commercial marijuana and the ongoing ramifications of legalized pot in Colorado. Ms. McGuire is the chairman of the National Drug and Alcohol Screening

The podcast opens with a discussion of an issue that is often overlooked – how might legalized access to marijuana affect, even pose a threat to, safe and drug-free work environments? Ms. McGuire details some of the consequences and pitfalls. Additionally, she presents important facts about the true potency of today’s marijuana, concentrations, extractions, and the various methods of delivery.

In the second half of the podcast, Ms. McGuire addresses voter remorse in Colorado regarding recreational high-potency marijuana and discusses how cartel involvement and black market activity are thriving since legalization. Ms. McGuire also refutes proponents’ claims that legalization would result in a decrease in minority arrests for pot possession and describes the near religious zealotry surrounding the “marijuana frame of mind” that permeates Colorado’s culture. As the podcast ends, we hear alarming information on the newest frontier in the push for drug legalization and normalization in Colorado.

In the podcast, reference is made to the old Illinois recreational marijuana proposal which allowed for 5-6 plants per house. The current proposed bill is HB 902, which includes: “…possessing, growing, processing, or transporting on one’s own premises no more than 24 mature cannabis plants and possession of the cannabis produced by the plants on the premises where the plants were grown; (3) possessing outside one’s premises no more than 224 grams of cannabis…” this synopsis allows a massive amount of marijuana on one’s property.

Take ACTION: If you oppose this proposal, please contact your state lawmaker and respectfully request they oppose this disastrous public policy. The Illinois Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000.

Learn more: Visit for more information about the push for legal pot in Illinois.

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