SPOTLIGHT: Marijuana’s Ramification on Medicine
Written by David E. Smith
This week’s Spotlight podcast focuses on the deception and devastation surrounding legalization of recreational marijuana. Joining Monte Larrick is Dr. Karen Randall, an emergency room physician from Pueblo, CO. Dr. Randall trained in the areas of emergency medicine, pediatrics and family practice. She holds a certificate in Cannabis Science and Medicine from the University of Vermont, serves on the Board of Directors and is Vice President of Case Management for Southern Colorado Emergency Medical Associates, and speaks nationally and internationally on the dangers of marijuana.
Dr. Randall is well-acquainted with the expected and unexpected challenges that have overwhelmed Colorado since recreational marijuana was legalized almost six years ago – and she warns that Illinois can expect to face those same destructive consequences if our legislators are foolish enough to legalize high potency recreational pot. The lies that marijuana advocates shilled in order to gain legalization in Colorado are the same lies that are being touted as fact by legalization advocates in Illinois.
Monte Larrick and Dr. Randall also discuss the known and unknown physical and psychological risks, as well as the socioeconomic impact to users (and the non-user citizenry) of readily available, high THC concentration marijuana.
This podcast contains excerpts from a No Weed Illinois webinar interview with Dr. Randall. To listen to the full webinar, please visit No Weed Illinois. Please also subscribe to their YouTube page.
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