Illinois Family Action Endorsement
The general election is only a few weeks away! As you may know, early voting is already underway. Registered voters can cast a ballot at their township offices as well as at their county clerk’s office.
It is critically important to exercise your civic duty to vote and be good stewards of God’s amazing gift of self-government. We the people have the responsibility of selecting honest, wise and God-fearing people to represent us locally, in Springfield and in Washington D.C.
If you will be out of town, are disabled or have a busy schedule, you may want to consider the “vote by mail” option. Upon request, your local county clerk will send any qualified registered voter a ballot by mail. (Please see this list for contact info.)
Illinois Family Action wants to highlight our endorsed candidate in the race for Illinois State Representative: we have unanimously endorsed Dwight Kay.
Dwight Kay is the only candidate in this particular race that strongly opposes taxpayer funding of abortion, forcing pro-life medical personnel to give abortion referrals; making Illinois a sanctuary state; banning professional counselors from helping minor children suffering from unwanted sexual disorders; allowing transgender birth certificate changes; and legalizing recreational marijuana.
Of course, the Illinois Republican Party also suffers from a number of problems, including these:
- Failure to act and speak with courage, conviction, and consistency on the dismissively called “social issues.”
- Failure even to recognize that the dismissively called “social issues” are critical issues. In fact, they are issues more critical to the welfare of its families, the state and country than, for example, tax rates and pension sanity. No country that fails to recognize the nature of marriage and family, the importance of religious liberty, the rights of children, or the dignity and worth of all human life can flourish.
Fortunately, there are yet men and women who are wise and courageous, recognizing and standing firm for truth even against bracing political winds. Wise and courageous men and women who defend the lives of those that others have decided are unworthy of life deserve our vigorous and vocal support.
That is why we are pleased to endorse Dwight Kay and highly recommend him to you. He has the courage and wisdom to stand firm for our values in Springfield. Please make every effort to cast your ballot on or before November 6th to ensure that the best candidates are nominated.
Lastly, it is important to point out that if conservatives fail to vote in any election, we enable the Left to take the reins of government, which means bigger government and less individual freedom. This is a dangerous proposition, as the Left seems to be moving steadily further out on the left-wing of the political spectrum, and now is openly embracing socialism.
We cannot remain silent and/or indifferent in the face of this destructive agenda.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly at Feedback@ifiaction.org.
David E. Smith
Illinois Family Action
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