The Need for Abiding Vigilance
This week, citizens throughout the nation will celebrate the 242nd birthday of the United States of America with barbecues, pool parties, fireworks and, hopefully, prayerful reflection on God’s blessings on the formation and sustaining of our republic.
Central to our celebration should be the affirmation of the Declaration of Independence. This simple document consisting of only 1458 words conveyed powerful Judeo-Christian ideals of government while at the same time rejecting the abuses of British authoritarianism. Representing twelve of the thirteen colonies, the 56 signers of the Declaration understood that their actions would be considered treason against King George. The signers understood that the penalty for treason was hanging. They also understood the high price of freedom.
Freedom meant sacrifice, including the sacrifice of their lives. So, even with the threat of death hanging over their heads, they signed the Declaration and boldly pledged to each other, “our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.”
In that spirit, I would like to ask IFA subscribers to make a small sacrifice to help us prepare for the General Election in November, as we fight to see liberty-loving pro-family candidates get elected to the Illinois House of Representatives. Would you consider donating $10, $20 or even $25 to help us with our ongoing Matching Challenge which expires on July 5th?
In order to reach the full potential of the $20,000 match that we announced last month, we still must raise $6,000 in the next three days. We can easily do that if 300 subscribers would each donate $20 toward this fundraising effort. Alternatively, if 600 of our readers would donate $10 to this cause, we would quickly realize our goal. Of course larger amounts would get us there even faster. Please, don’t miss this great opportunity!
Click HERE to make a secure online contribution today.
The Declaration states that that all men–born and unborn–are created equal and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
To sustain those rights and to stave off tyranny, we must be diligent about being good stewards of God’s gift of self-government. Thomas Jefferson warned long ago that “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
So,as you gather with your loved ones this special holiday week, please pause to pray for our nation and our leaders. Pray that God would move in the hearts and minds of His people. Pray that Christians would engage the culture and work to protect the legacy of those who went before us. Judeo-Christian values are vital to the health of our country, and we thank each of you for defending those values, even as the work intensifies.
Here are some ways you can give to the matching challenge:
- Contribute online HERE
- Mail your gift to: Illinois Family Action, P.O. Box 93, Mokena, IL, 60448
- We also accept credit card donations by phone at (708) 781-9371.
Thank you for your consideration.
David E. Smith
Executive Director
P.S. Donations must be postmarked by July 5th in order to qualify for this matching challenge. Now, more than ever, your gift will help us uphold the legacy left by our forefathers.
Don’t delay, please donate today!