White House Bible Study Leader Criticized for Views on Homosexuality, Gender Roles, Catholic Church

Written by Michael Gryboski

The leader of a weekly Bible study that includes prominent members of the White House like Vice President Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions is garnering controversy for his views on social and religious issues.

Ralph Drollinger, a former basketball player-turned-pastor who oversees Capitol Ministries, which ministers to public officials, oversees the Bible study every Wednesday.

On Sunday, the BBC published a report that was critical of the Bible study, and put a spotlight on Drollinger’s views, such as his biblical views on homosexuality and complementarianism.

Over the past week, Drollinger’s views on homosexuality, gender roles, and disagreements with some Catholic Church teachings have garnered critical attention from NewsweekJezebel, and the LGBT activist group the Human Rights Campaign.

“Drollinger’s influence and involvement in the current administration is not only driving a wedge between faith communities and the LGBT community, but it is turning back the clock on progress with the spread of even more divisive rhetoric throughout the highest ranks of government,” the HRC has claimed.

In response to the criticisms Drollinger has received from secular media in recent days, Capitol Ministries told The Christian Post on Thursday, “Pastor Drollinger respects other faiths. He believes other faiths have the same right to exist and practice as do Christians in a free country.”

In the emailed response to CP, they added that Drollinger “was not appointed by anyone to teach these Bible studies. He established them and was invited by believing public servants to lead them.”

The ministry group also explained to CP that Drollinger’s comments about Catholicism, homosexuality, and leadership roles for women were misinterpreted as hateful toward individuals, when he specifically critiquing different ideas.

Regarding Catholicism, Capitol Ministries said Drollinger was expressing theological objections to the Church’s opposition to salvation by faith alone and was “not commenting on the faith or salvation of individual Catholics.”

Capitol Ministries also explained that Drollinger’s views on male-only church leadership and men being identified as head of household were consistent with what the Bible teaches in 1st Timothy 3:1-16 and 1st Corinthians 11:3.

“One of the criticisms is that Drollinger has called homosexuality a sin. Drollinger was teaching from the Bible,” said Capitol Ministries to CP.

“God loves everyone, but sin separates people from Him. A pastor has great compassion and love in his heart for any person who is locked in sin.”

This article was originally published at ChristianPost.com