SPOTLIGHT: David Daleiden’s Best Video’s Are Still to Come
Written by John Biver
State Representative Peter Breen joins Monte Larrick on this edition of our weekly podcast to comment on the State of Illinois funding abortions and the Illinois governor’s race. Representative Breen is an attorney with the Thomas More Society, who represents Mr. Daleiden (the undercover videographer) before the U.S. Supreme Court.
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According to Rep. Breen, “Our greatest threat right now as a people of life, of faith, is losing hope and thinking we’ve lost.”
The battles continue in Illinois, for example, on the issue of taxpayer funded abortion. While the pro-abortion community celebrated Bruce Rauner’s signing HB 40 into law, the money appropriated for it must be voted on every year. While HB 40 has many moving parts that people are not aware of, Breen said, pro-lifers are not without avenues of attack to keep the pressure on against taxpayer funded abortions becoming “normalized.”
When asked by Larrick what “normalized” means, Breen explained that one thing the Leftists like to do is say that “the law is settled” in a particular area. In fact, nothing is settled, Breen said, as long as one side doesn’t surrender.
Larrick and Breen also discussed SB 1564, the right of conscience bill that Rauner also signed into law. This law forces pro-life medical personnel to give referrals on procedures they find morally objectionable, such as abortion.
“We’re in a good place right now” regarding this issue, Breen said, since an injunction has been issued regarding the Illinois law, and the U.S. Supreme Court has taken up the California version of this law. “We are very much hopeful that the Supreme Court of the United States will give us a ruling that will put an end to all this business.”
The two men also discussed the fascinating case of David Daleiden, an undercover videographer who has revealed some of the abortion industry’s ugly secrets, such as the sale of baby parts. Breen said that the videos that have not yet been seen by the public (due to a court order) are some of the best yet.
Also discussed was free speech on Illinois college campuses and what anti-baby advocates are going to be backing next in Illinois.
The discussion closed with an overview of a handful of important state legislative primary races.
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