UPDATE: Matching Challenge Extended!
Matching Challenge Deadline Extended to March 10th!
Year after year the anti-family, left-wing organizations devote massive amounts of time, energy and money to promote their agenda in our legislature, media and schools. Our values–the commonsense values of those in our state who believe in the importance of a mother and a father to a child, in the sanctity of human life, in the value of religious freedom–are often dismissed and ridiculed by political leftists. That is because our opponents have spent the last forty years organizing, funding and activating a powerful lobbying machine to embolden them.
We are working hard to challenge that dominance, but we cannot do it without your help.
We have an opportunity to infuse some much-needed resources into our efforts in the weeks before the primary election. We are working to help put the best pro-family candidates over the top and defeat squishy candidates who refuse to be the bold leaders we need.
We are accustomed to being outspent, but we know that our duty is to stand and fight for the family no matter how daunting the challenge. A group of generous donors knows how daunting the challenge is and have given IFA a $20,000 Matching Challenge! And they have agreed to extend the deadline to meet this challenge until March 10th!
Click here to double your donation to IFA’s pro-family political work!
We still need to raise approximately $12,000 over the next ten days in order to realize the full matching challenge.
This IFA Matching Challenge was offered to us because these donors realize that pro-family forces must engage in local elections and elect more God-fearing conservatives if we hope to stop legislation like taxpayer-funding of abortion, the abortion lobby’s assaults on pro-life medical workers, and the censoring of professional therapists who no longer can legally help minor children with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. The donors behind this challenge wanted to express their confidence in the ability of Illinois’ leading pro-family organization to carry on the fight. But without your help we are in serious danger of losing this opportunity!
We rely completely on individual contributions to fund our efforts. Your $25, $50, $100, $500 or larger contribution will double our ability to fight for your values. Again, you can make your contribution easily on our online secure server by clicking here.
Please DONATE ONLINE or call the IFA office
at (708) 781-9371 to support our work.
Donations to IFA’s political work are not tax deductible.
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
David E. Smith
Executive Director
P.S. Help us reach our goal of raising a total of $40,000 by March 10th — Donate today! To make a credit card donation over the phone, call the IFA office at (708) 781-9371. You can also send a gift to:
Illinois Family Action
P.O. Box 93
Mokena, IL 60448