SPOTLIGHT: A Creche on Display in the Illinois Rotunda
Written by David E. Smith
The Springfield Nativity Scene Committee* (SNSC) recently held its annual opening day ceremony for their privately sponsored and funded display depicting the birth of Jesus Christ. This display marks the 10th straight year that this display has had a place in the center of the State Capitol Rotunda. This is possible, thanks in large part to the help of the Thomas More Society, including our guest Tom Brejcha. Mr. Brejcha is the President and Chief counsel member of the Chicago-based pro-life law-firm.
In this week’s Spotlight, Mr. Brejcha explains the constitutional rights of private citizens to erect Nativity Scenes as a form of free speech and free exercise of religion in America’s “public square.” Pastor Greg Wooten of Hope Chapel in Lincoln and Father Charles Edwards of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield also spoke during the opening ceremony.
During this interview with Monte Larrick, Mr. Brejcha also talks about an important religious liberty case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, in which the state of Colorado seeks to enforce a tyrannical law to force businessmen and women of faith to participate in commerce and/or events which conflict with their deeply held religious beliefs. This case centers around Jack Phillips’ bakery (Masterpiece Cakeshop) and his response to the demand that he design a cake for a so-called same-sex “marriage.” (Read more HERE.) Please pray for the outcome of this case and wisdom for the Justices who will rule on it.
Monte also asks Mr. Brejcha about a lawsuit that was recently filed by the Thomas More Society seeking to block the implementation of House Bill 40, which increases Medicaid funding for abortions in Illinois. The next court hearing will take place on Dec. 28, just three days before the law is set to go into effect. According to a Prairie State Wire article, the lawsuit was drafted by State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard), and “seeks to block implementation on grounds tied specifically to the law’s funding and the procedures used to enact it.” Please pray for the outcome of this court action also.
Near the end of the podcast, Monte and Mr. Brejcha discuss the pending lawsuit against SB 1564 — a law that forces pro-life medical personnel to refer patients for medical procedures/services they find morally objectionable such as abortion, sterilization and certain end-of-life care protocols.
It is important to note that both HB 40 and SB 1564 were signed into law by Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, who claimed to have “no social agenda” when running as a candidate for office.
*IFA is deeply grateful to Julie Zanoza, Beth Rogers and the entire SNSC for their dedication and public witness of the free exercise of religious speech in this very “public square” at the state capitol. Illinois Family Institute is a proud co-sponsor of this important display.
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