Rep. Breen: Rauner Will Not Be Governor Next Term Due to HB 40
Written by John Biver
When it comes to taxpayer funding of for-any-reason abortions in Illinois, Governor Rauner and his anti-baby colleagues have won a battle, but not the war.
“We’re going to be on offense,” the video report begins. And longtime conservatives in Illinois will be thrilled to hear those words from a member of the Illinois State House of Representatives, Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard).
Very rarely over the past few decades have conservatives gone on offense inside the Illinois GOP or regarding any public policy.
Speaking of Governor Bruce Rauner after the signing of HB 40 permitting taxpayer funding of abortions, Rep. Breen said: “He is done…he will not be governor in January 2019.”
“We’ve got to move forward together,” Breen said, knowingly or not, echoing British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in his “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” speech in May 1940.
While Illinois Republicans are not entering a world war, conservatives appear to finally be uniting to engage in a serious intramural battle for the soul of the state party.
As noted, the long track record of conservatives in Illinois isn’t one to be proud of. With smart leaders like Rep. Breen, conservatives are at a moment where an effort to drain the Illinois Political “swamp” may finally be within sight.
There is a legal challenge underway to the “start date” for the taxpayer funding of abortions, and Rep. Breen and Sen. Dan McConchie have introduced the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” bill.
Those are good examples of going on offense. But they are just the beginning.
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