SPOTLIGHT: The American Miracle and Common Core

Written by Benjamin Smith

Monte Larrick had the pleasure of interviewing radio talk show host, historian and bestselling author Michael Medved about his new book The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic.  Michael offers his thoughts on the intervening role that God has played in America’s founding and rise to prominence. He persuasively points out that America is a product of design, not luck or happenstance. His radio program is nationally syndicated and featured on Salem Radio Network live every weekday afternoon (2-5 PM), and in the Chicago area on WIND (AM 560) every weeknight between 10PM and 1 AM.

In the second half of this podcast, Monte interviews Dr. Duke Pesta, who travels throughout the United Sates warning parents and taxpayers about the insidious federal education program known as Common Core.  He has delivered over 400 talks in 40 states, and has done more than 2500 radio and television interviews on the subject. He speaks at home school conventions and educational conferences across the nation on topics including the necessity of homeschooling, the decline of morality and critical thinking in the public schools, and the myriad of ways that colleges and universities indoctrinate students.

Dr. Pesta received his M.A. in Renaissance Literature from John Carroll University and his Ph.D. in Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature from Purdue University. He is also the Academic Director of Freedom Project Academy, an online classical school alternative to government schools.

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