SPOTLIGHT: Discussing Educational Choice with Lennie Jarrat

Written by Benjamin Smith

In the Spotlight with Monte Larrick and David Smith this week is Lennie Jarratt, who is the project manager for the Center for Transforming Education at The Heartland Institute.

Lennie was the former managing editor (2013-2014) of Champion News, an Illinois based news website focusing on education and Illinois politics, and the managing editor (2004-2011) of Education Matters which researched education in local school districts across Illinois.

Jarratt is well-versed on Common Core and education choice. He’s been on Fox News, Breitbart, ABC Chicago and multiple radio outlets and newspapers across the United States. He has been a presenter on panels to discuss education choice, common core, homeschooling, and Illinois Freedom of Information Laws with groups such as American Majority, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Illinois Tea Party groups, homeschool conventions, and state legislative hearings.

If you would like to see school/education choice implemented in Illinois, please call your state rep. and urge them to support HB 443. The Springfield capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000 and to find your state rep, click HERE.

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