Your Support Helps Us Assist Great Candidates

Dear Pro-Family Neighbor,

Should a male student be able to use a female’s restroom or locker room when he suffers from a recognized psychological condition called “gender dysphoria”?

Just ten years ago that question would have received near universal ridicule.

Not today. For well over a year, Illinois school districts have been debating the matter. How is it that otherwise intelligent adults debate the absurd?

Most Americans still retain common sense. The problem is that those holding the science-denying view that gender-dysphoric boys should be able to use the girls’ locker rooms in high schools are better-funded and thus able to dominate the cultural conversation. The absurd is successfully sold as “progress.”

There is only one antidote to this cultural danger and that is to provide the resources to those ready, willing, and able to combat the absurdities with common sense.

Our political action committee needs your help today so it can continue to advance activities that serve as a strong and effective voice for pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-family issues. That includes, of course, protecting the privacy of those using public school washrooms and locker rooms.

With your financial contribution, Illinois Family Action-PAC (IFA-pac) can help oppose the numerous special interest groups on the political left that have long used PAC money to run ads promoting ideas they call “progressive,” by assisting key candidates for local school boards; library boards; and municipal, township, and community college positions.

In this election, we are involved in a few school board races that could have a tremendous influence on the  balance of school board composition and, therefore, the direction of board policy on critical matters related to student privacy. We need to reach and encourage more of our fellow Illinoisans that feel alone in their conviction that private spaces should correspond to objective, immutable biological sex. And we must financially support those courageous candidates who are stepping forward to do what too few citizens will do.

Please make an emergency gift of $25, $50, or more to help IFA-pac respond to the push for co-ed bathrooms and locker rooms in our government schools.

IFA-pac is willing and able to enjoin the battle, but we need the resources to make a difference.

Please donate today! The campaign season is well underway and the opponents of good sense are currently raising and spending a lot of money.

With deep appreciation,

David E. Smith
Executive Director

P.S. Thank you in advance for your gift in support of our political action committee, protecting parental rights, and protecting students.