False Charges of Anti-Semitism

Written by Michael Medved

The bitter divisions in American life currently stem from politics as much as from differences in race, religion or economic status. Even tightly connected subgroups endure internal conflicts over President Donald Trump and his policies.

Jewish Americans, for instance, represent less than 2 percent of the national population but that community includes some of Trump’s harshest critics, as well as members of his staff and family, and some of his strongest supporters. Any serious effort to unify the country must proceed one group at a time, and a good place to start would be rejection of absurd charges that the President himself is any sort of Jew hater.

As Israel’s visiting Prime Minister accurately observed, Mr. Trump has a long, unmistakable history of support for the Jewish people. Even if he fumbles questions on anti-Semitism at press conferences, his actions speak louder than any clumsy words, and deserve acknowledgment from all friends of Israel.