Candidates for School Board in Districts 211, U-46 and 15

Written by John Biver

Illinois Family Action wants to again highlight some important candidate information on the April 4th Board of Education elections as it relates to the important topic of privacy issues for students.

In High School District 211, there are 6 candidates running for 3 seats. Ralph BonatzKatherine David, and Jean Forrest have the endorsement of Illinois Family Action.

In Grade School District U-46, there are 5 candidates running for 3 seats. ONLY Cody Holt and Enoch Essendrop  have the endorsement of Illinois Family Action. 

These candidates have pledged to replace the current practice of allowing opposite-sex access to private spaces. They will provide a district-wide locker room and restroom policy that protects the privacy and well-being of all children, and one which includes reasonable accommodations for children with different requests.

These candidates WILL protect the dignity and privacy of all children.

We urge you to reach out and show them your support for their position as it pertains to privacy rights for children. The D 211 candidates email address is Their website is The U-46 You can help them in several ways: financially, by voting for them, and by encouraging others to support them as well.

Of the other three candidates who currently serve on the D211 Board, Robert LeFevre and Anna Klimkowicz have a public record of voting to allow students into opposite sex locker rooms and restrooms, despite an outpouring from the community to protect all children. The other candidate, Edward Yung, has not taken any public stance as yet, but when he served on the Board previously, he was a rubber stamp vote for the Administration.

And lastly, please consider forwarding this email to like-minded friends in your area who want what’s truly best for our children/community. By doing this, you will have a huge impact on this election and this election will have a positive impact on our community. PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW OR IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS.

In Elementary School District 15 there are 11 candidates running for 5 Board seats.

As of this date, none of the candidates have publicly stated their stance on this important issue. We urge you to immediately contact them and tell them that you live in the district and will be voting on April 4th.

Ask them if they will support adopting a policy that designates access to student restrooms, locker rooms and showers according to a student’s biological sex only, and one that makes other accommodations for students struggling with gender identity issues.

The Engage D15 Slate of Frank Annerino, Mike Smolka, Anthony Wang, Lisa Szczupaj, & Barb Kain — can be reached at

The other candidates can be reached at:

Adam Bauske –
Dave Border –
Peggy Babcock –
James Ekeberg –
Gerald Chapman –