Candidate Endorsement Guides


Who endorses the candidates can be just as helpful as knowing where they stand on the issues – especially when the candidates refuse to respond to pro-life and pro-family candidate questionnaires.

See who’s endorsed them!

Click HERE for the presidential and federal office Endorsement Guide.

Click HERE for the state candidate Endorsement Guide.

Click HERE for Cook County Judges and various county candidates.

–> For more great election information, check out our online voter guide at:

–> Congressional District (2-sided) handouts of the IFI Voter Guide can be found HERE.

–> Download this IFA BULLETIN INSERT for your church, friends and neighbors.

–> Pray! Please intentionally pray for our state/nation during this election cycle. Learn more HERE & HERE.

As Christians in this great nation, it is our duty to elect into office men and women who share our values — the uniquely Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was founded. Therefore, it is our responsibility to become informed on all electoral races and issues and to vote according to those values.

Early Voting and Vote by Mail are already well underway, and in case you’re not aware, early voting has been proven to win elections for conservative candidates! Every vote is valuable!

Please make sure you and your family members cast a ballot in this General Election.

Our get-out-the-vote campaign is up and running. We are distributing the IFI Voter Guide to hundreds of churches, civic groups and tea party organizations. Will you financially support our endeavor to educate Illinois voters and promote Judeo-Christian values? Donate today.
