Action Needed Urgently!

Written by David E. Smith

The family is the bedrock of society. It is the institution that teaches people to give for the sake of others. It is a school of morality. And the family is under siege. President Ronald Reagan underscored the importance of family in a national address on May 28, 1985:

There is no cultural institution as ennobling as family life. And there is no superior, indeed no equal, means to rear the young, protect the weak, or attend the elderly. None.

The family is not just a group of people who choose to like one another. No, the family is an institution built on a marriage between a man and woman. Everyone should know that. But, of course, not everyone understands that anymore. The propagandists are doing their job very well.

Pope John Paul II said: 

The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.

American politics reveals these hardened hearts. It reveals our culture’s selfishness.

One example of this is the so-called “Equality Act” in Congress. It is really a special rights act. It gives citizens the right to legally attack anyone whom they feel has offended their selfish sexual sensibilities. It’s just another version of “gay rights,” which means it is wrong.

The Left is trying to get our government to legally protect the pursuit of pleasure and selfishness at the expense of character and selflessness. This is not freedom, and this is not right.

We pointed out in a recent email that Illinois U.S. Representative Bob Dold is pushing this pernicious bill. Dold has a history of promoting troubling legislation, and he must be stopped.

Fortunately, we also have wise and courageous lawmakers, like Tom Morrison from Palatine, who are willing to introduce legislation like the Pupil Physical Privacy Act (HB 4474). Twenty other lawmakers have already stepped up to the plate to co-sponsor this important legislation. (Read more HERE.)

IFA-pac enables us to engage on the political battlefield for good, God-fearing legislators in ways we’ve never been able to before. In my last email to you I wrote, “We don’t have a legislative or public policy problem in Illinois, we have a political problem. If we don’t solve the political problem, we are only spinning our wheels and should not expect to realize any real or meaningful change.”

With IFA-pac we are focusing like a laser beam on the political problem and trying to influence meaningful change. We directly support candidates who value the family and seek to promote legislation that upholds family values and character. Donate now to support us in this endeavor.

We are reaching out to you in the hope of increasing our leverage in resisting this onslaught of anti-family, anti-liberty legislation. Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Will we be the generation that does nothing? Will we be the generation that allows evil to prevail? Thankfully, we know that most of our subscribers reject both passivity and fatalism.

There is a battle to be fought and a war to be won. Will you help us by contributing $25 or $50 to IFA-pac? Time is running out. The primary election is just six weeks away. You can vote with your pen and vote with your resources to support the best candidates in Illinois.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).

Note: Donations to IFA-pac are not tax-deductible under IRS guidelines.