Hoodwinked by Congress


Written by Tim Wildmon, President AFA

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a $1.1 trillion bloated spending bill to fund the government for the next year. In it, the Republican-led House of Representatives bill will fully fund Planned Parenthood for 2016.

There are many other defects in this budget, including funding for President Obama’s plan to bring an unlimited number of unvetted Syrian refugees into this country.

But what should be a showstopper for pro-life Americans is the full funding of Planned Parenthood, an organization which is using your money and mine to traffic in baby body parts so their executives can drive around in Lamborghinis.

Congress recently voted to defund Planned Parenthood, but we now know that vote was a meaningless “show vote” that carried absolutely no weight after all.

With less than three days to digest a 2,009-page spending bill, no one should expect members of Congress to fully understand what they are voting on when the omnibus comes to the floor.

Please call your representative and senators today and tell them to vote NO on the omnibus spending bill as long as it maintains funding for Planned Parenthood. Time is of the essence. It is urgent that you call your representative immediately.

Get your elected official’s phone numbers here.