Congress Getting Paid for ‘Not Doing A Lot of Work’


Written by Chris Woodward

Though Congress is getting back to work this month, one organization says constituents still won’t be getting their money’s worth.

After an August recess, David Williams of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) reports that Congress is going to be in session for two weeks before members head back to their home districts for campaigning purposes.

“So, they’re not doing a lot of work, and it’s really showing,” he contends. “We can see that with the debt, with the deficit and just the amount of work that’s not getting done in Washington.”

According to the TPA, the current salary for members of Congress is more than three times the median family income.

“That’s why I want people, when they go to town hall meetings, is have members of Congress justify the amount of money that they make, considering that really nothing is getting done in Washington,” Williams tells OneNewsNow.

But as OneNewsNow has reported, Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) has stated publicly that members of Congress are underpaid, given their housing needs both at home and in Washington.

“Jim Moran happens to be a retiring member of Congress,” Williams notes in response to that. “So, it’s easy if you’re retiring to say you’re not making enough, because you’re not going to get the political blowback.”

This article was originally posted at the website.