‘Imperialist President’ at it Again



Written by Charlie Butts

An expert on constitutional law says it’s apparent Barack Obama hasn’t learned his lesson from a recent Supreme Court decision.

On Monday President Obama issued an executive order requiring federal contractors to provide special protections for homosexuals, lesbians, and transgender people in the workplace. The order essentially implements the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) for federal contractors – legislation that Congress has failed to pass.

Matt Barber is vice president of Liberty Counsel Action and founder of Barbwire.com.

“Here we have this president acting and ruling as the imperialist president – circumventing Congress, circumventing the separation of powers in order to force his radical, leftist agenda on the rest of America – and targeting and discriminating specifically against Christian companies in order to do so,” he tells OneNewsNow.

Barber argues the president isn’t heeding the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision last month that permits business owners of faith to operate their business on the basis of the their faith. He says with this latest executive order, the president is doing exactly what the ruling forbids.

“[He’s] telling Christian companies that they have to leave their biblical beliefs at the workplace door and that … under penalty of law and if they want to have any kind of contract or work with the federal government, that they must hire people who embrace a value system that is counter-biblical,” he explains.

The executive order contains no religious exemption, which means Christian ministries contracting with the government will have to comply.

The co-founder of another legal group stated yesterday that he predicts implementation of the executive order will be challenged in court on the basis that it violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act – the law on which the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision hinged.

This article was originally posted at the OneNewsNow.com website.