Chicago Politicians Draw GOP Challengers

Chicago Democratic Lawmakers Draw GOP Challengers

Written by Illinois Observer Staff

(Chicago) – Several Chicago Democratic legislators have found themselves with Republican challengers for the November 2014 elections.

The Chicago Republican Party has wrapped up its recruiting season, filing four Illinois General Assembly candidates for seats in the City of Chicago. The four are in addition to the eight candidates slated Chicago GOP recruited last year.

Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan‘s organization challenged the petitions of several Chicago GOP candidates last year and easily knocked them off the ballot. The Republicans’ newest candidates will likely find their petitions challenged, a challenge Chicago Republicans are expecting.

“Our petitions are strong,” said Chris Cleveland, Chicago GOP spokesman. “We don’t expect his challenges will succeed.”

The new GOP candidates are:

  • Erin Broderick of Chicago, a bankruptcy attorney with Baker & McKenzie, is slated to face State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago).
  • Greg Bedell of Glenview, a former a Staff Attorney with the Securities and Exchange Commission, will face State Rep. John D’Amico (D-Chicago).
  • Joseph Bembynista of Chicago, a former Chicago police officer, is taking on State  Rep. Robert Martwick (D-Chicago).
  • Lynn Franco, an employee at the University of Chicago, State Rep. Marcus Evans (D-Chicago).

“The voters will have a choice this year, whether Mike Madigan likes it or not,” said Cleveland.

This article was originally posted at the website.