GOP Candidate for Governor Says He is “Pro-Choice”

Written by David E. Smith

Bruce Rauner,  a venture capitalist from Winnetka, was asked asked by a reporter about his positions on the social issues:  same-sex marriage and abortion.  In the video below, Rauner dodges the question on same-sex marriage by saying that the issue should be put to the voters.  On the issue of abortion, Rauner doesn’t flinch: “I am pro-choice.”

It is hard to believe that any pro-life voter would consider supporting a candidate that supports the death and dismemberment of unborn children.

With the scientific evidence we have today about the humanity of the unborn child, to proudly proclaim support of legalized abortion means that you are either 1.) lying to yourself about what abortion is and does to the unborn child, 2.) lying to the public and hiding the truth of abortion, or 3.) the only other possible explanation is ignorance. In any case, being “pro-choice” is reason enough to disqualify any candidate from getting our vote.

Watch the video interview yourself.  The clip below starts at 17:19. Rauner clearly tells the reporters that he supports a women’s “right” to choose abortion: