Close Race in the 97th GOP House Primary

Mark Batinick, our pro-family endorsed candidate, is under a major attack from the pro-abortion contingent! His opponents know they have nothing to lose, so they are resorting to hyperbolic mud slinging.  (Read more at

Can you believe that pro-abortion candidate Amanda Manke is openly criticizing Mark’s pro-family positions?!?!  In a recent Personal PAC mailer sent on behalf of Mancke, they attack Mark for being anti-woman because he is pro-life.  Liberals certainly can spin an issue, can’t they?

Well, with the money she is getting from the abortion industry, she is closing the gap on the front runner, Mark Batinick.

We simply can’t let the abortion industry win on Tuesday!

You must find a way to get to the polls! Bring your spouse and children with you! Make sure they vote, and vote pro-family.

We finally have the opportunity to elect a pro-life & pro-family advocate to represent this district! Mark Batinick is the right candidate for the 97th district!

Mark is a family man, father of 5, who is concerned with the state of affairs in Illinois.  Like you, he is tired of the moral decline represented by years of anti-family laws.  As a social and fiscal conservative, he wants to protect our children from the moral and fiscal chaos that has been brought upon Illinois by failing legislators, Democrat or Republican.  He is our kind of representative!

Planned Parenthood would like nothing more than you staying home during the primaries while they steal this Republican seat for the abortion forces. Please spread the word!!

Thank you,

David E. Smith, Executive Director
Illinois Family Action