Judy Baar Topinka Offers to be Flower Girl for Homosexual “Weddings”

Written by David E. Smith

This is ridiculous! Aren’t we tired of liberal cheer-leader Judy Barr Topinka? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have an honest liberal with a D after her name as Comptroller than radical liberal Republican [liar] like the one we have now. At least it will be truth in advertising!

I say we retire Topinka in November 2014 so she can get all the flowering experience she can for LGBTQ “weddings” in the years to come.  Read the story below from our friends at IllinoisReview.com:

Wednesday when Governor Quinn signed SB 10 into law, Republican State Comptroller Judy Baar-Topinka congratulated the three GOP State Representatives and the one GOP State Senator that broke with party ranks to legalize same sex marriage. “They were there!” to push the numbers over the top, she said.

“When you do the right thing and it’s a matter of conscience, you can go to bed and sleep at night knowing you did the right thing,” Topinka said. “It took two parties to make it happen, and look what can happen when we work together!”

Then Comptroller Topinka said “I’m offering my services as a flower girl, and will waive the fee!”

Her comments start below at 27:00, just after Secretary of State Jesse White’s congratulatory comments.

Of the statewide constitutional officers, only Republican State Treasurer Dan Rutherford did not participate.